Carros de Foc - Confort
One of the main novelties of this version of Carros de Foc, is the transport of luggage. To face the day with the minimum indispensable and necessary material always according to the meteorological conditions. The rest of the luggage will be found at the end of the stage in the place where we are going to sleep.
In this new version of Cars we will spend the nights in hotel. At each stage a taxi will take us to the main road, and another taxi will pick us up to take us to the end of stage hotel. Taxi transfers will always be of short duration, an average estimated time of 30'.
Carros de Foc Confort takes place during 6 days, with two nights sleeping in a hotel, one in a spa and two in a mountain huts, there is only one stage in which we will not have luggage transport.
Tel: +34 / 973 640 698
Email: info@carrosdefoc. com